Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday Thoughts

Sometimes, when we speak of people with talent, we say they have a gift. Religious people, particularly Christians, may call it a gift from God. Something bestowed upon us with intent. Some go further than that and say that it's God Himself working through the person.

I think I have a gift for words. People have said they enjoy my writing, certainly. I don't know if it was a gift with intent behind it, though. I do think that God is the reason there's such a thing as creativity (not to mention language), but I'm not sure He looked down upon me as I was born and reached out his finger and flicked on the "good with words" switch.

And even if He did, this type of gift is more akin to a pet than a painting. It's something that needs to be nurtured. Loved. If God gave me this gift, directly, He also gave me the choice to decide to develop it or not. To use it or not. How to use it.

Despite that belief, I also sometimes feel that He does work through me. That sometimes, when I have an idea for a topic for this blog, it's because He's whispering to my heart, telling me what I could talk about, even helping me find the right words. Of course I'm not sure. That's the downside of faith; you can't ever be sure. But sometimes? I think it's true.

This blog is, in part, a gift both from Him and to Him. And from Him, to anyone out there who stumbles upon it and finds something here that speaks to them. My biggest hope for this blog is that someday, someone will read something here that gives them comfort, or hope, or a sense of relief that they're not alone.

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