Friday, March 26, 2010

A gospel song I like

One of my favorite gospel songs is one I was introduced to via Babylon 5.

Yes, really.

The song is called "No Hiding Place Down Here" (possibly with a leading "There's"), and while the version sung on the episode doesn't seem to have the original lyrics, the gist of the song is the same: at some point, you're going to realize it's impossible to hide from God (and, at least by implication in the episode, judgement).

Now, I don't like the song because I like the idea of everyone having to answer to God... exactly. I mean, it's kinda a scary thought... who can really claim they've never done any bad? So, it's not really about that. Quite. Exactly.

Maybe a little.

I should say first, though, that I'm not necessarily looking forward to this myself. I've done bad things in my life and I expect to have to answer for them; my hope is that my sorrow for having done them as well as the ways I've tried to do good outweighs that, which—with a little of that mercy and grace I believe God has in abundance—is probably a reasonable hope.

However, there are some people that I would particularly like to see have to face the consequences of their acts, and in the case of those people who are Christians, in particular I'd like to see them try to explain those things to God. It's not that I would wish these folks denied Heaven (or, if you like, sent to Hell, though see my other writings on that). It's just that I'd like them to realize what they did, and have that lesson come from the authority they claim to value most. That just for a few moments, they get it.

And I wonder, sometimes, if they heard that song, would they hear it as joyous? Or utterly frightening? Or would they even think it applied to them at all?

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