Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday Thoughts

We don't all agree on the nature of God or what He wants from us. Some people don't believe He even exists; others simply differ in the details. But that doesn't matter. It doesn't have to.

We, as people, probably all want something similar: peace, prosperity, health, happiness. We can work together for those things.

For those of us who believe, it may be because we're doing what we believe God (or whoever) wants us to do. For those who don't, it may be because they believe this is the only chance we have to experience those things.

It doesn't matter why we act, as long as we do act.

If people focus on what people do and what they're working for, then it doesn't matter if you're working with someone who does not share your faith. And I find it heartening that there are others out there who agree, who put aside the differences to focus on the similarities. I do wish there were more, but as long as there are some, we can continue to try to make the world a better place.

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